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Fluency Therapy

Explore our comprehensive fluency speech therapy services designed to improve communication skills.

Fluency Disorder

Do you or a loved one have difficulty speaking fluently? Do they stutter, repeat sounds, or get stuck on sounds or words? Are they becoming aware of their speech impediment and becoming withdrawn? Is it affecting their personal or professional relationships, or impeding their academic success and ability to make new friends?

Stuttering Management

Fluency disorder, also known as stuttering, is a communication disorder characterized by disrupted fluency and flow of speech. It may be caused by physical, psychological, or neurological issues. Individuals with a fluency disorder may produce involuntary repetitions, prolongations, or pauses of sounds or syllables when speaking. Speech therapy is the primary treatment for fluency disorder, and it can help individuals learn strategies to manage their speech, such as slowing down speech or taking a breath before speaking.

Boosted Confidence Our stuttering management techniques help you gain control over your speech, enhancing your confidence and communication skills.
Improved Communication By managing stuttering, we aim to improve your overall communication skills, making conversations smoother and more enjoyable.
Social Ease With improved fluency, social interactions become less stressful and more enjoyable, boosting your overall quality of life.


If your child or someone you know has a fluency disorder, it is important to be as supportive as you can so they feel comfortable developing their social and communicational skills. The ways you can show support include:

Be patient and supportive by giving them time to finish their sentences and show you are listening to them.

Provide a safe and comfortable environment where they can express themselves without judgment

Offer encouragement and positive reinforcement.

Contact Us

Reach out to us today! Let's improve your speech together.